Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas 2008

This Christmas was a bit different. We all got together the day after. Christmas morning was me and the folks. It was very quiet. After we stared at each other for a few hours, we (mom and I)(Dad was watching Back to the Future 3)wrapped like mad until we went to the movies. We saw Marley and Me with Walt, Traci and Boyce. It was a tear jerker. Walt was the biggest baby of everyone. After the movie we went home and made Christmas dinner. John and Tina at this point made it down from Logan and Marie and Luke joined us. Mom made a delicious meal. After dinner the snow really started coming down and we all headed over to The Orton's to play the Wii. On Friday morning we all got to The Orton's and had breakfast and opened stockings. We missed Grandma and Grandpa Totten, the roads were too snowy and icy for them to make the trip. It was fun to have all 15 of us together. The grandkids are getting so big. Once everyone went their separate ways Dad, John, Tina, Marie, Luke and I went to the mall for some crazy after Christmas shopping. I had never seen Luke in a mall before. I know Marie knows what one is I just didn't know if Luke knew. After a long day of family togetherness and shopping and eating we ended it on a high note literally with Rockband!!!


Luke, Marie & Brody said...

What a good looking family you have there! Christmas was a lot of fun! Lets do it again!!!

Traci said...

Christmas was a blast and you make a mean guitar player!